Saturday 29 November 2014

White Ribbon Day

 We enjoyed seeing the motorbikes and we learnt about not using violence in families.

Science Roadshow

We all had a great time at the Science Roadshow. Man those intestines are long. We couldn't believe how much poo a person does in a year.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Domain Visit

We had a great day at the Domain on Thursday October 30th. We went by bus to see the Sculptures that were being made as part of the 150th celebrations of the Domain. We got to play in the playground first, then we went to see the sculptures. The people making them were happy to talk to us about what they were doing. They had some interesting tools to use. We even found some fossils in the limestone.

Helping In Room 7

Thursday 24 July 2014

Wastebusters First Visit

Paige got to dress up in a brides outfit
made from recycled materials.
Sharon came from wastebusters
and taught us about reusing waste
Cassidy wore an outfit made from plastic
bags and woven paper.
Ryan got to wear a cape made from
recycled coloured plastic bags.

Leyton wore a cool wig made from
plaited plastic bags, beads and an
old hairdressing cap

Isi wore pants and a top made from
crocheted plastic material

Saturday 21 June 2014

First Aid Visit

Shakira and Shawna practising the recovery position
Leyton and Jay were doing the recovery position

Heather the First Aid Safe Kids Tutor.
Daemyn and Ollie doing the recovery position
The toy ambulance

Angus Mckay

Angus McKay came to speak to the school on Tuesday. Here he is talking to Ryan.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Morgan's Movie

Elgrego Visit

 Elgrego had an amazing show for us. He did fantastic tricks and he had an important message about anti bullying. Use your W.I.T.S. - Walk away. Ignore.Tell  Someone. Say Stop It!

Sorting Out in Room 7

Morgan and Ocean sorting out the papers.

Penina and Ocean tidying up the books.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Term 2 2014

We have had a busy time this term so far. We have had hockey and turbo touch lessons with the coaches that come from Mid Canterbury and Canterbury clubs.
We have also had the South Canterbury Museum come to help us learn about leaders within the Ashburton District.
Choir is also well underway and our school performance will be on Wednesday June 25.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Fire at School

Yesterday there was great excitement after lunch. Room 10 had smoke coming out of it. The fire brigade came with their sirens blasting. The firemen unloaded and got their hoses. They touched Room 10's door to check if it was hot then cautiously went inside. They rescued 2 teddies from the 'fire'. The teddies were taken outside and had a medical check done on them. After that the smoke was blown out of the room and we all got to have a look at the fire engine.

Thai Student Visit

On Tuesday we had a group of 20 Thai students come to Hampstead School. We had an assembly to welcome them. Fergus did his mihi and Angus did the welcome in English. Tuku also helped. The school san g 2 songs to them. After the assembly the students went to the junior rooms. After morning tea they went to the senior rooms. We had Som-o, Boom and Pat. They did painting with us. Mrs Stevens said that the students from Thailand didn't seem to have done painting before.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Turbo Touch


We had turbo touch with Kat last week and then Shane came to teach us some skills. It was great fun We really like playing the game  "Everybody's It"

Cassidy's Puppies

Cassidy brought her special pups along for a visit. She told us about them. We loved cuddling and patting them.